Ugrás a fő tartalomra


Music. It's the only thing what comes natural from me. I need the U2 to tell you about 2012.
2012 was the best year ever. I was lucky. No; not just lucky. I was the world's luckiest girl. I am the world's luckiest girl. The things could take a turn to the worse but still I feel happy and satisfied with all I did; all I lived through; all I wanted to do.
The things what I did for first time this year and I like:
  • ....I flied to Germany. First flying and first time in Germany. I loved the flight and I love Germany, too. There is everything sooo clear and nice....well, almost everything but stop, only the good stories! The camp in Sonnenberg was a perfect week. I got to know so many great people... still I can't play any instruments but doesn't matter, it was good:) I tried speaking in public in English. Yes, that was.... pretty awkward but now I think it was I'm more valorous or something. It's a different word. Fearlessness....
  • ....I danced drunken. No, not on the table....That was a really good feeling. But yes... headache next day...... okay, who cares about headache if I felt like a butterfly and a showgirl? Nobody. And that was an unforgettable moment when I met a pillar during dancing. I thought that the pillar appeared from the darkness! I was sure that there was nothing before the pillar came there to kick me off...! It was funny. I crawled onto the floor and checked the origin of the tiles and the workers' skill. And I fixed that they worked pretty well.
  • ....I tried smoking. I. Hate. It. It is more than bad. Blahhhhh...... nevermore........
  • ....I went to Vienna.The Wiener Christkindlmarkt was wonderful. The christmas lights, the music, the christmas feeling, so everything was perfect.... the only bad thing was the horrible cold weather. But we survived it with the wiener Orangenpuntsch:)
  • ....and it was the first time when my summer was not a simply summer with a lot of swimming(okay swimming in my view is not swimming as a sporting people just being in the water and moving. not....not swimming. but I don't know if it exists an other word in English to express how I mean 'I am swimming in the Lake Balaton'. please say if you know this word) so yes, this summer was good. Crowded but good. I passed my English language exams(sorry but I have to take a notice here: don't worry I know that these papers do not even matter. My English is still quite bad as you can check here)
  • ....and the first kiss. no more words, find out.

  • I'm sure that I didn't write here everything but that's all I can remember at the moment and the champagne doesn't let me write more..... goodbye everyone and happy new year!!!!


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