last friday I didn't go to school. I escorted mum because she had to take care of granny. I was in a really bad mood at the weekend. I thought if I go with her I can just relax and have a good day with mum and granny but I was wrong. No, not at all... we have had a good day. But sometimes I felt like I was someone else. You know. Just hanging out in my body.... my soul flies and sits on a cloud and watches my body sitting at the table at granny's house. I think not every word of hers were clear. she's very sick. I'm disappointed. I thought she's OK. But she's not. No, she's like her own shadow. My little sweet and old granny...... "Your eyes so wide, your face aglow, It's the face of someone I don't know..." She was just talking about changing. Because she's changing. And she's afraid of these changings because she knows where it is going..... I am afraid of them, too. I couldn't imagine my life without her. Maybe it ...